问:问:英国留学签肺结核报告 签证资料已提交

2024-10-04 11:00



如果是今年夏季入学的就不需要。详细可查看UKBA网站说明:针对入境者入境英国前的肺结核筛查29 May 2012一项针对入境者入境英国前的肺结核筛查计划将在包括中国在内的67个高发国家展开,计划为期18个月。该计划今夏不在中国执行,也就是说,在2012年夏季递交申请的学生和其他申请人将不受影响。该项新举措意味着,如果您准备在中国申请停留六个月以上(含六个月)的英国签证,您必须在递交申请前接受筛查。停留少于六个月的游客,商务访问者及其他访问者则不需筛查。我们将在网站上发布更多有关该计划的公告。更多入境英国前肺结核筛查计划的相关信息请见最新公告。

是今年UKBA的新规定,21 May 2012 Pre-entry tuberculosis screening under immigration powers Today the Government announced its plans to extend pre entry tuberculosis (TB) screening to an additional 67 countries identified as having 'high incidence' of TB by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Please see our website for further details and for the full text of the written ministerial statement that was made today at: is a serious airborne infection which constitutes a global public health issue and kills an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide each year. Under the UK immigration rules the UK Border Agency can require visa applicants to undergo a medical examination for the detection of Tuberculosis (TB). The pre-screening requirement will only affect migrants applying to enter the UK for more than 6 months and who are residents of one of the countries. Business visitors and tourists on visit visas will be unaffected by this procedure. We are keeping the dates for extending pre-entry screening to these additional countries under review but plan to begin the extended procedure from around July 2012. Further information will be made available in the UK and internationally for our customers. On-entry screening will begin to be phased out as a consequence at our main screening centres Heathrow and Gatwick. The UK implemented a successful pilot pre-entry screening programme in 2005 in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for migrants applying for visas with more than six months leave in the UK. It took place in the following countries: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Eritrea, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Laos, Niger, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo. Pre-entry screening of TB provides significant benefits to overseas applicants, including: o More extensive and effective checks to detect TB. Pre-entry screening helps saves lives by promoting earlier detection and treatment. o Protecting global public health by helping prevent the transmission of TB in-flight and globally. o Reduced congestion and waiting times at UK airports for those coming to the UK by phasing out on-entry screening at UK ports The UK is working with our international partners who already carry out pre-screening in these countries and the UK will be using the same methods of screening and private clinics. We will take appropriate measures to address the spread of TB, the rate of which has increased in the UK over recent decades. While TB rates in this country are stable and remain relatively low, Health Protection Agency (HPA) data indicates higher rates of infection concentrated in particular metropolitan areas, and overall the UK's infection rate compares unfavourably with other developed nations. Much of the UK's TB burden is attributable to international migration from countries with high TB incidence rates. The UK Border Agency conducted a review of the UK's TB screening programme with the support of the Department of Health and HPA. In light of the findings of this review, the Government has decided to phase out on-arrival x-rays and to implement more effective arrangements for addressing TB pre arrival to the UK. UK Border Agency
